Anderson Enterprises
~ Makers of the Officiator line of Electronic Buzzer Systems that provide speed and accuracy in officiating any quizzing contest.

We offer three buzzer systems ~

Officiator 10 Player with Hand-held buttons
Officiator 10 Player with Hand-held buttons

All of our products are built of quality construction and are offered with your choice of player button styles making them ideal for tournaments and for everyday quizzing contests.

All of our buzzer systems detect and indicate which one of the player's button was pushed first by lighting the player's LED as a tone is briefly emitted. All other buttons are locked-out until the system is reset.

Officiator 10 Player System
Prices starting at $320 2 or 4 Player System
Battery Operated
Prices starting at $176

Elite 32 Player System
Prices staring at $493

Junior Bible Quiz Systems
Prices starting at $375

Proudly made in the U.S.A.